Hanyan Qin


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@Master of Journalism & Communication, NJU
@International Journalism, SISU

Just an academic newcomer whose reaserch interests are media sociology and cultural studies. 

A member of Excellent Communiacation Talents Program of Journalism & Communication academy, SISU.

The paper The Internet Populism under the Bias of  Technology : Conception, Denotation and its Emotional Settings was selected as outstanding dissertation for bachelor's degree.


· First student scholarship of Sichuan International Studies University in 2018. 

· Merit student of Sichuan International Studies University in 2018.

· First prize of News Reviews Contest & Second prize of News Translation Contest hold by Jounalism and Communication Academy in 2017.

· Second prize of New Writting Contest hold by Jounalism and Communication Academy in 2016.

· Recognition award of Journalist's Capability Competition hold by Jounalism and Communication Academy in 2016.

· Second prize of News report about public square speech contest, SISU, 2016.

· Specific awards of Feature & Social Research, SISU, 2016.

- Feature :  Dialogue with the elderly in nursing homes of Gele mountain

- Social Reserch :  From its Prosperity to Decline : A Social Research on Rong Embroidery

Skills & Hobbies

  • Language level - Test for English Majors-Band 4, College English Test-6
  • Web Design - Brackets, Code-writing
  • Photography & Video Editing - Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Edius
  • Data Analysis - Web Crawler & Digital Excavating, Tableau, Echarts

Guitar & Ukulele

I had kept playing the guitar for 8 years. The mini guitar, ukulele, is a charming instrument to relief yourself when you are playing it. 


It's a traditional cutural heritage of China. I learned it with my grandfather when I was 6 years old. It was a good opportunity to appitite Chinese classical literature.


I rode around Erhai in 2016, the trip was about 130 kilometers. On the way, I met some local people in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture and even rode with a professional team part of the way. 

Internship Experience


Period Association & Company
Jun, 2017 - Aug, 2017Xinhua Agency in Chongqing
Jan, 2016 - Mar, 2016 Chongqing Evening News

Campus Experience



Working in Student News Agency of Jounalism and Communication Academy, SISU.


Working in the student media of Jinghu Community and SISU News Centre.


Working as a member of writing group in the campus media ( SISU students' home ), writing feature and stories about special campus figures.



163 Xianlin Ave, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China



